Impressum – Legal Notice / Information according to § 5 TMG

Provider identification according to § 5 of the Telemediengesetz (TMG) and information obligation within the meaning of § 55 (2) of the Rundfunkstaatsvertrag/Interstate Broadcasting Agreement (RStV).

The information below contains the legally required information on the provider identification of the website

Katholische Kindertagesstätte und Familienzentrum St. Monika
der Katholischen Kirchengemeinde St. Johannes Troisdorf
Mühlenstr. 11
53844 Troisdorf

Phone: 02241 42520

represented by Pfarrer Hermann Josef Zeyen

Phone: 02241 76186
Fax: 02241 71677

Responsible according to § 18 Abs. 2 MStV:
Pfarrer Hermann Josef Zeyen

Photos, unless otherwise noted:
Bianca von der Höh, Photography, Troisdorf

We aim to present the users of our website with a high-quality and legally impeccable range of information. This relates in particular to the exclusion of criminal content, consistent compliance with copyright law and effective protection of your data. Despite our best efforts, we cannot rule out individual errors. If you should notice any kind of legal violations, we ask that you inform the responsible persons named in the imprint. We assure you that we will check the alleged infringement immediately and that we will immediately remove the content and links that have been rightly complained about.

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