We have been certified as a family center in North Rhine-Westphalia since 2019 and also as a catholic family center in the Archdiocese of Cologne. As a catholic family center we are part of the catholic family center Troisdorf.
Familienzentrum NRW
The aim of the state program is to support families in their upbringing and in everyday life and thus to contribute to early support and prevention as well as to a better compatibility of family and work and to more equal opportunities and education.
The strengthening of early childhood education – combined with the best possible support for families – is one of the most important goals of the state government. The family centers play a key role in the early support of young families. They are successful prevention models and indispensable when it comes to giving children the best possible start. They are also indispensable in promoting the upbringing and educational skills of parents.
For details of a family center’s responsibilities, see Family Center Responsibilities.
Katholisches Familienzentrum
The local church places the families with all their constellations and realities of life at the center of their activities through the Catholic family centers. In their respective life situations, families find support here in their life and faith questions.
For this purpose, neighboring Catholic day-care centers form hubs of living faith and thus create connections between different family-related offers in education, advice and care. The network of the Catholic family center thrives on the diversity of the different offers. Therefore, cooperations with many, not only Catholic partners in the social area arise and benefit from their experiences. For this reason, the offers are open to all families and people close to them in the social area..